Chantel Landeros

Owner, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, AAMFT Approved Supervisor

The Motivation

My care and love for our community runs deep. I created Thrive Marriage & Family Counseling from a desire to help create and change and support our community members in getting quality services to make a difference in their lives that they can hand down to their children. I created the practice from the idea that we can all grow and evolve. Our team is here to support you from all of the different starting points of growth.

If you feel like everything has hit rock bottom, we are here for you.

If you feel like you can’t stand being stuck anymore, we are here for you.

If you have found yourself in the same loop and know there could be more, we are here for you.

If you are ready for the next level personally or in your relationship, we are here for you.

We have the ability to support small steps and big leaps. We want to help support our community in getting support before it gets unbearable.

Taking the leap to start looking for support takes a lot of courage. It is really the first step in understanding yourself better, looking at your life in a different way, nurturing connections and relationship that surround you and starting a growth journey.

The Details

If you come in to see me or know me professionally, you will know that I show up authentic and to the point in every interaction. I want to get to the root of things and make an impact as quickly as possible. This really stems from my experience before becoming a therapist in working with many different populations in our community. I realized that whether you are a struggling youth, part of the geriatric population or anywhere in between that you deserve to find healing and happiness in your life as quickly as possible. Life is stressful and hard sometimes and people deserve support to make quick impact if possible.

You don’t need my resume, but some people like to know the details of the professional they are seeing. I received my Masters in Marriage & Family Therapy from Capella University in 2019. I am also an AAMFT Clinical Fellow, which basically means I have specific training to supervise future Marriage & Family Therapist through their schooling and licensing process. I have a passion for creating connection in the mental health field in the Western Slope and provide networking and collaboration opportunities in hope to create connection to provide better services for our community.


Individual Counseling 55 minutes…….$165
Couples Counseling 55 minutes…….$185
Business Coaching…….Depending on service

My Specialties

High Conflict Couples

Being a in a relationship that is high conflict with a rollercoaster of emotions is absolutely exhausting. It can affect every part of your life. Your sleep can suffer, lack of motivation, not excelling at work, little left to give to your kids and honestly it just feels horrible.

It is possible to get out of this without leaving your relationship. You learned tools in the past that aren’t working. Your partner has learned tools that aren’t working. You both are contributing to this pattern. We have to really take a look at what you are doing and starting practicing something different.

Let’s change your high conflict and tension to teamwork and connection.

I know it seems impossible right now, but it isn’t if you are open to trying new things together.


You know that voice in your head that tells you can’t, or you shouldn’t?

The voice that tells you the way think isn’t right or that you are good enough?

You can get rid of that.

Maybe it stems from your parents not giving you the encouragement that you needed. They could have said horrible things to you growing up and not treated you the way you deserve. It could come from romantic relationships that knock you down little by little. Or a job that just took the life out of you. You don’t need to know coming in, we can figure all of that out.

After you start to understand where it comes from, we start the rising up part. You start to work on challenging the thoughts and forming your own narrative that is going to bring out the most empowered and brightest version of you!

Business Growth

We measure our business success differently. It could be based on the financial growth, the customer service provided, or the quality of the product that we deliver. There are obviously many more ways, but my goal is to help businesses take a look at their team, the quality of the culture and really dig into their values as a business.

The values that you hold as a business owner are going to trickle down to your team then trickling down to your consumer.

Really taking the time to look at your values, your desires and dreams can not only help you personally and professionally, but it is also going to help your business have direction and structure to lean on when times get hard.


Ashley Carter, LPC