Ashley Carter

Licensed Professional Counselor

The Motivation

When I share with people what I do, I often get asked "Why?".  My why encompasses both my personal and professional journeys.  Personally, I know what it's like to be stuck, to be miserable, to feel like a solution to my problems is either so far out of reach or unattainable.  I know life is hard, because I'm a human too. 

You know what else I know?  I know how vulnerable it feels to sit on a couch and meet a stranger for the first time.  I know what it is like to build a relationship with that person and find healing and wholeness through the therapeutic process.  I don't know (yet) what you have been through, but I would be honored to hold space for you, to understand you, and to help you grow through your own struggles.  Let me help you get to your goal. Don't know what that goal is?  Let me help you see it.  You are not alone, my professional passion is to walk with you in your journey.

The Details

Looking for a stuffy clinician?  I'm not for you.  I believe that in order to help you be your authentic self, I also must let who I am show through in a session.  I enjoy laughing with my clients, and building genuine relationships.  When I first meet you, you can expect me to be genuinely curious about you.  I strive to understand who you are, and how your story impacts who you are today.  Working together, you can expect genuine compassion for you as a person.  You can guarantee that I will challenge you in helpful ways, in order to create change for your situation. 

My clients are some of my favorite people, and you can expect that warmth to radiate toward you.  When you leave my couch for the last time, you can expect that I will be cheering you on long after you have left, and that you will always have a safe space to come back to should the need arise.  My ideal client is one that is motivated for change, and recognizes that the stagnation in their life is no longer serving themselves or their relationships.  If you schedule with me, please know that I am both honored and excited to be a part of your journey.


Individual Counseling 55 minutes…….$130
Couples Counseling 55 minutes…….$150
Family Counseling 55 minutes…….$175

My Specialties


I love couples work!  To me, there is no greater fulfillment than helping two individuals reignite what was lost, and create new habits and behaviors that have the ability to create a whole new relationship that both individuals may have lost hope for.  Alternatively, couples counseling may also look like learning how to say goodbye, and doing so in the most productive and least painful way possible.  The most painful option is to stay stagnant in an unhealthy relationship, having the same conflicts time and time again, and endlessly searching for an answer that isn't appearing.  You and your partner do not have to navigate these waters alone.

Couples Intensives

Maybe traditional couples counseling is not for you.  Maybe you don't have the time, availability, or desire to unpack your relationship over a longer duration of time.  Maybe a significant trauma has impacted your relationship and you want faster answers.  Couples intensives may be an option for you.  If you would like to sit down with me and your partner over the course of one weekend, and really dive deep into your relationship, reach out to me and let's find a weekend for just us and your relationship.

Men's Therapy

One of my favorite clients to serve are men that struggle with the idea of what going to therapy looks like and entails.  I believe our society places emphasis on emotions being reserved for women, leading to many men experiencing the difficulties of life and not understanding or being willing to process the emotions associated with the events.  This robs men of being human.  My office is a place for men to explore what it is like to have both, masculinity and the ability to recognize and process through difficult emotions.


Chantel Landeros, LMFT, Owner


Eric Gustavson, LPC