Kimberly Langston

Licensed Professional Counselor

The Motivation

I believe that therapy should be practical, compassionate and respectful toward the bravery it takes for someone to seek help and aspire to change. We each create thought and behavior patterns that allow us to survive our experiences – yet those same habits can later hinder growth or hijack new relationships. I consider it an honor to help others with self-discovery and rebuilding trust.

Counseling is my second career, pursued after ups and downs in a 22-year marriage and the adoption of children with traumatic histories and special needs. I wanted to give back after I received so much support during my hard times. Now a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), I’m proof it’s never too late to learn new skills! 

The Details

I’m a Midwestern native who has lived in Colorado for 25+ years and cherished every day of the sunshine afforded in our beautiful state! In addition to a lifetime of experience, I earned my master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling from Colorado Christian University in 2019. 

I pull from a variety of theoretical applications so each person, family or couple receives truly customized support. But if I have to narrow down my style, I consider myself an attachment and behavioral therapist who focuses on broken relationships and learning to trust yourself. I like to help teens and adults apply new skills and challenge assumptions in a way that helps them live true to their own values and find healing and hope.


Individual Counseling 55 minutes…….$130
Couples Counseling 55 minutes…….$150
Family Counseling…….$175

My Specialties

Difficult Times for Couples & Parents

The pain of infidelity and betrayal cuts deep. We as human beings are designed to connect, and we crave being valued and loved. When trust is broken, it can make you doubt yourself, your partner and your life choices. 

I apply an eclectic approach, having trained with leaders in our field like Michele Weiner-Davis and borrowing from Relational Life Therapy, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Gottman research and Attachment Therapy approaches. I focus on guiding couples through the stages of repair and teaching new communication, conflict and connection skills. I wholeheartedly believe in marriage and always hold hope for healing, especially when it’s difficult for couples themselves to believe.

Parenting is another time that can really test a person and couple. Parenting is such hard work partly because it forces us to challenge our own beliefs and face our own insecurities and weaknesses. This can be exponentially difficult when you have your own traumatic history and when you parent adopted or learning disabled children. I help parents think outside of the box, continue to grow, and find forgiveness in themselves so they can be more free to focus on meeting the needs of their children.

Self-esteem, Anxiety and Depression

The ways we think of ourselves and label our emotions really matter in our daily function and mental health, let alone in our relationships. I focus on 

  • exploring and gaining deeper understanding of your own values 

  • learning coping skills and mindfulness to allow your brain to flourish and access your best instincts

  • challenging the meaning you place on events and emotions

  • building confidence to see yourself differently, push through anxiety, re-define your beliefs and foster mental flexibility

  • re-training your brain to find self compassion, forgiveness and more positivity

  • finding your value, voice and boundaries

Mental Flexibility and Growth

Are you looking for a career change or a fresh start with a new marriage or recent divorce? Do you find it difficult to work with people or handle conflict? Do you feel like a victim or powerless in life? Are you estranged from once-important relationships in your life?

Challenging your beliefs and assumptions can open up a new world of possibilities. Let’s reset from the common “problem solving” mode that focuses on what goes wrong and instead create new opportunities and connections. We’ll explore your values and build skills that allow you to make conscious choices, feel less stuck and find more fulfilling relationships.


Eric Gustavson, LPC


Chandra McCullough, LPC