Mirella “MJ” Jasso

Hablo español

Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate

MJ comenze a aceptar clientes en Thrive Marriage & Family Counseling . Comuníquese con ella directamente al 970-812-0106 o mj@thrivemfc.com para programar una cita individual.

The Motivation

My Motivation for this work is to help serve and support underserved populations, specifically the Latinx population. I know the importance of finding a therapist or a mental health professional who understands. Having that cultural connection piece provides that unspoken connection/understanding within the counseling relationship which helps create better rapport and comfort to be able to open up on mental health/relational concerns. After all, one of our most basic needs is the need for belonging. I want to make sure that my clients not only feel they belong in our office, but in our community.

The Details

My approach to counseling is very client-centered, meaning I approach my clients with an unconditional positive regard, a non-judgmental perspective, and with my genuine self. I value being flexible to meet the needs of my client. To me, we are a team working together to accomplish the goals you set out in session with open communication and adjusting where is needed. Being client-centered means I also tend to bring my authentic self into session, I will show genuine curiosity for your life journey, laugh with you, sit with you for those difficult emotions, and celebrate with you.  As a counselor, I also believe my role is as a coach and guide in my client’s healing journey. It's not my role to tell you what is best for your life, you are the best expert in your life and decisions. What I can do is be that guide to help you process, organize, and find those answers within yourself. I also tend to take a cognitive behavioral approach to my counseling, meaning I will focus on the thoughts and feelings that lead to the problem behavior. I also occasionally like to challenge my clients, by helping them consider other points of view, push past their barriers, or to put into practice the skills learned in session. 

Here is some information for some background on my experience. I am currently a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate (LPCC) and Addiction Counselor Candidate (ADDC) working towards my full licensure under the supervision of Chantel Landeros. I have 2 years of work experience in Las Vegas as a bilingual and addiction counselor. I completed my education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, graduating with a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I worked primarily with the Latinx population on a variety of concerns, including anxiety, life transitions, addiction, relationship concerns, anger management, and depression. I have worked with populations ranging from geriatric to adolescents. Currently I am accepting individuals, couples, and families.


Individual Counseling 55 minutes…….$100
Couples Counseling 55 minutes…….$120
Family Counseling ….$145

My Specialties

First Generation

Being the First Generation in your immigrant family to grow up in America welcomes an array of unique challenges. As a First-Generation American in your family you were blessed with the unique gifts of speaking, reading, and navigating 2 cultures. Which means you had to trailblaze the path for your family in how to navigate life in America. You may have had to be the translator for your parents for the bank or billing, or help your parents fill out important documents and forms or become the caretaker for your younger siblings as your parents worked hard to establish a life in this country. You became the savior for your family, on call to address any obstacle or challenge they encountered, which means you had to let go of your own needs or wants to be there for your family. 

At the same time there was nobody for you to turn to help you navigate your own challenges. For example, you may have had to navigate the challenge of trying to honor your family’s culture which may have conflicted with the adoptive American cultures you grew up with, causing conflict within your family or with your ability to connect with outside cultures who differ from yours. Or maybe you may have struggled with navigating the pressure of living up to the sacrifice your parents made of leaving their home country. The challenges for first-generation individuals are endless and could lead to feelings of isolation, guilt, shame, anxiety, frustration, depression, and a sense of being “in-between” two cultures, never fully accepted or belonging to either culture.

Working with a clinician who understands the challenges of growing up first-generation not only brings a sense of being seen but also helps you process the challenges that come with growing up “in-between” two cultures. By exploring your challenges and validating your experience, we can begin the work to heal your inner child whose needs were not able to be met due to the sacrifices you made to be there for your family. 

Let's explore those needs and work to establish a new life moving forward that has a balance that meets your needs and honors your cultural experience.

Cultural Counseling

Despite the increasing diversity in the U.S., barriers to mental health needs continue to distress cultural minorities. Some of these barriers may include the shame or embarrassment faced with seeking care due to cultural stigmas, or language barriers so finding a provider may be a barrier, and/or limited access to health insurance or low income making it difficult to pay for services. It may feel like jumping through hoop after hoop to get the support needed, therefore many lose faith and give up seeking mental health services. Finding support shouldn’t feel so overwhelming and untouchable. 

My aim is to help you overcome these barriers and gain access to the resources and support you need. I take a culturally sensitive approach that is based in curiosity to help me build an understanding of your unique cultural experience and the barriers you have faced. My aim is to help you build the skills to feel competent and successful in navigating your needs. You are capable and deserving of having your needs met, let me be that helping hand to find you the support you need. You don't have to do this alone. 

Life Transitions

Recently switched jobs and navigating your new role causing distress? 

Or maybe you just got married or a new parent and you are having trouble navigating the changes that come with your new role as spouse or parent. 

Or maybe you recently moved cities or states and you are having trouble adjusting to your new life.

Maybe you just moved out of your parent’s house and now you are trying to learn how to become a functioning adult.

Humans do not handle change well. We are creatures of routine. It causes this feeling of discomfort because we dared to step outside of the routine, we were comfortable in. Some may feel a sense of loss for the comfort they left behind. Or a great sense of fear of the unknown of what this change may bring for your life. Or you may feel at a loss, confused or have feelings of regret for the choice made, forced to re-evaluate your values/goals. Change can be incredibly stressful and uncomfortable. This discomfort can also lead to feelings of disconnection, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, confusion, loss of identity, anxiety, or depression. 

Let me be that support for you to help you process and navigate the changes you are experiencing. Change can be scary but also very rewarding as it can lead to a new life of possibility. Let's take the leap into the new possibility change brings together.


Chandra McCullough, LPC


Tylor McGowan, MFT Intern