Have you ever considered therapy but felt unsure of how it fits with your spiritual values? Or, perhaps you've seen a therapist before but were uncomfortable expressing your beliefs in session. I get it! Along with politics, religion is one of those subjects that we are often told to steer clear of. We don't want to offend anyone, especially in today's world of cancel culture and "Karen"...am I right? However, with 81% of the US population expressing belief in God or a higher power, integrating spiritualvalues with psychological science may be helpful (Gallup, 2022). In fact, the current research indicates that such an integrated model is quite effective and produces more significant outcomes for those who value religion and/or spirituality (Captari et al., 2018; Evans & Jennifers, 2021).

At Thrive Marriage and Family Counseling, we aim to provide our community with a diverse group of counselors trained in many modalities and interventions. One faith-specific modality is the Christian counseling approach offered by Sam Sanchez, LPCC. But what exactly does that mean?

The Christian Counseling Model Explained

Before I expand on what Christian counseling is, I'd like to first address what it is not.

Christian Counseling is NOT:

1. An opportunity for judgment or to bring shame to the client;

2. A time for theological debate;

3. Based on the therapist's beliefs and interpretation of scripture;

4. Pastoral counseling;

5. An attempt to convert non-Christian clients.

Christian Counseling IS:

1. An integrated therapy model that combines a Christian worldview with the science of psychology,

theology, and spirituality;

2. Flexible and fluid to meet the needs of the client;

3. Centered on the client's beliefs;

4. Addresses many of the same issues as traditional therapy but with additional opportunities for

intercessory prayer, scripture reading, and reflection;

5. Holistic.

Final Thoughts

While this post provides only one of many options for addressing faith and spirituality in counseling, my hope is that you are better informed and feel confident expressing your values to your therapist (whatever they may be). For those interested in Christian counseling, please contact our office to schedule your first session with Sam. I would love an opportunity to meet you!

Written by Sam Sanchez, LPCC
Thrive Marriage & Family Counseling
Grand Junction, Co


Captari, L. E., Hook, J. N., Hoyt, W., Davis, D. E., McElroy‐Heltzel, S. E., & Worthington, E. L. (2018).

Integrating clients’ religion and spirituality within psychotherapy: A comprehensive meta‐analysis.

Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(11), 1938–1951. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.22681

Gallup. (2022, June 17). Belief in God dips to 81%, a new low.


Evans, A. L., & Jennifer, K. N. (2021). The value of adapting counseling to Client’s spirituality and

religion: Evidence-based relationship factors. Religions, 12(11), 951.



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